March Towards Balance – Week 2: Less is More


I’ve already started my week on a good note. I went to work today using public transport –  (I have made it a point to take public transport to work at least ONCE a week) so that’s ticked off my list! I took some time this morning to complete a 10 minute meditation before starting my day so that set me in a good mood (since I only have to tick off ONE meditation a week too). Then, during my lunch break – all of which I spent OUTSIDE the office  – I went  off and did some full body strength exercises at the gym. I also left work bang on time today and got everything I wanted done.

I know that I’m only making very small changes and once a week seems like nothing, but you know what, a lot of my healthy habits now, started off this way… a little at a time.

As I think of all my good habits, I can’t help but give myself a high five for the habit of:

  • Eating breakfast everyday
  • Checking that I have my jewellery and wear it everyday
  • My skin care routine

Today I’ve added a couple more new things to my daily habit checklist. The first is doing a gratitude journal once a week – according to the podcast “Crappy to Happy” by Cass Dunn and Tiff Hall, completing  gratitude journal once or twice a week can be more effective than doing it everyday. To my daily activities I’ve added that I have to be in bed by 11.30pm.


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